The Growing Problem In Jiu Jitsu

Black Belt BJJ Jiu Jitsu

The Growing Problem in Jiu Jitsu


Jiu jitsu should develop discipline, self-defense skills, and physical fitness. However, some jiu jitsu schools are promoting students too quickly through the belt ranks. This practice, known as “McDojo” or “belt factory.” is damaging to the school and the student. Which leads to a lack of proficiency, a devaluation of the rank system, and a culture of disrespect and lack of dedication.

Jiu Jitsu Promotions

Promotions in jiu jitsu are typically based on technical proficiency, time spent training, and competitive success. Some schools prioritize promoting students quickly over ensuring a solid foundation. This results in students receiving a promotion to a higher belt rank after only a few months of training. 

The Growing Problem In Jiu Jitsu | GMAC Brooklyn NY

“McDojo/Belt Factory”

Promoting students too quickly can lead to a lack of proficiency. Students are not given enough time to master techniques and strategies at each rank, impacting their ability to defend themselves and compete at a high level. It will also lead to a lack of discipline and dedication.

Why Do Some Jiu Jitsu Schools Do It?

Quick promotions can have financial benefits for the martial arts school. When a student receives a promotion, they often have to purchase a new belt and pay a promotion fee. This can create a financial incentive for schools to promote students quickly, even if it is not in the best interest of the student or the jiu jitsu martial art as a whole.

The Growing Problem In Jiu Jitsu | GMAC Brooklyn NY

What To Look For As A Student:

  1. Our schools encourage the students to focus on developing their skills and understanding of the art, rather than on achieving a higher belt rank.

  2. We give promotions for the following reasons: 

    1. Technical proficiency

    2. Time spent training

    3. Competitive success.

  3. At Glory, we do not charge a student when they get promoted. You worked hard for it and you earned it, it should be a gift for all the victories you have overcome. 

  4. Dynasty has an exhausted list of 12 red flags to look out for. You can find that by clicking here. 

The Growing Problem In Jiu Jitsu | GMAC Brooklyn NY

Negative Effects

In conclusion, promoting students too quickly through the belt ranks in jiu jitsu will have a negative impacts. It devalues the rank system, leads to a lack of proficiency, and can create a culture of disrespect and lack of dedication. It is important to note that the issue of “McDojo” or “belt factory” is not unique to jiu jitsu and can be found in many other martial arts as well. However, jiu jitsu has seen a significant increase in popularity in recent years, which has led to a corresponding increase in the number of schools and practitioners. This has made it more important than ever to address the issue of premature promotions and ensure that the rank system is respected and upheld.

Glory Jiu Jitsu Standards 

Here at Glory Martial Arts we have strict  promotion standards that are valued and respected. Our students have mentioned that “I would rather be a white belt that can defeat a blue/purple belt, than a blue/purple belt that would lose to a white belt.” When our students do get their promotion they never pay for it. Promotion time is an unforgettable moment that is honored through the time spent and battles that were overcome. Your promotion is earned and not paid for, and it is a gift for our students and our school.